
  • Open for Submission



    Quantum Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (QJOEST) would like to invite local as well as international academician, researcher, authors, etc. to publish with Us. Authors can publish with Us through Online.

    Quantum Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (QJOEST) publishes fully open access journal, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication.


    Benefits of open access for authors are includes;
    -Free access for all users worldwide
    -Authors retain copyright to their work
    -Increased visibility and readership
    -Rapid publication
    -No spatial constraints


    Publish with Quantum Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (QJOEST):
    -Direct link to published article
    -Lowest article processing charge (APC)
    -author retains copyright
    -24x7 support via email
    -100% electronic submissions
    -Author can search article by author name, subject area, title, keywords, and email address
    -Quick publication process
    -Double blind peer review score card
    -Indexing of each published article in various databases
    -Global open access availability
    -100% online availability assured

    So, don't miss the chance and PUBLISH WITH US!!!

    Read more about Open for Submission
  • Welcoming New Members as Editorial Board in QJOEST


    It is a great honor and privilege for me to be appointed as Chief-in-Editor of Quantum Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (QJOEST). With this opportunity, I also would like to welcome our new editorial members;

    (1) Dr Azlan Ahmad (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS)

    (2) Dr Muhammad Yusri Bin Ismail (Universiti Malaysia Pahang)

    (3) Dr Nazlizan Nasir (Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia)

    (4) Dr Syahrun Neizam Mohd Dzulkifli (Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia)


    I believe that the most critical components of any scientific journal's success are the manuscripts, the dedication of members of its editorial board, and excellence of those reviewing the manuscripts.

    As I look forward to this new role, I welcome inpur from you, our readers, and contributors to enhance the overall quality of the journal. Together with the erudite team of our editorial board, I will work passoniately to take the journal to the next level.

    Best wishes for everyone. Thank you.

    Dr Paran Gani

    Chief Editor

    Quantum Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (QJOEST)

    Read more about Welcoming New Members as Editorial Board in QJOEST