
  • MODESTO ANTONIO CHAVES Faculty of Environmental Engineering, South West University of Bahia State, State of Bahia, Brazil.
  • REBECCA MANESCO PAIXAO Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculdade Católica Paulista (UCA), Sao Paulo, Brazil.


constructed wetlands, systematic review, data analysis, ecological systems


This paper was produced seeking information on most aspects of research projects in constructed wetlands (CWs) in the last decade. Although constructed wetlands (CWs) are often relatively simple in terms of engineering, they are extremely complex ecological systems. The performance of CWs depends not only on good design, but also on good construction and operation. Therefore, a systematic literature review was conducted from 2013 to 2024, involving characteristics, design, and operation of constructed wetlands. The references were catalogued, and all duplicates were removed before the total obtained was counted. Only scientific articles, review articles, books and book chapters were searched. Only references in the English language were accepted. It was observed that, among the topics researched, the most studied was Constructed wetlands and uses, indicating that the search for applications for CWs was the main interest of researchers in the last decade. It was not possible to detect that the topics surveyed varied widely in the review period (10 years), which could show an increase or decrease in the interest about one topic, this result indicate that the topics chosen to tend to continue to be of interest in future research. Therefore, this paper can serve as a reference and basis for studies in the area of CW.


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How to Cite

CHAVES, M. A., & PAIXAO, R. M. (2024). CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Quantum Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 5(1), 63–73. Retrieved from


