
  • NAGENDRA SINGH Department of Mechanical Engineering, GLA University, Mathura, India.
  • MANOJ KUMAR AGRAWAL Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering and Technology-Khandari Campus, Agra, India.


ECAP, die design, separated dies, back pressure, AA5083 ultra fine grains


Techniques for severe plastic deformation are those that generate exceptionally high strains of plastic in one pass and mostly utilize shear stresses. Additional passes during the process may potentially result in higher strain values. Because die production is simple, equal channel angular processing is the most often used technique among SPD techniques. However, the strong notch effect limits the use of the dies and is often the cause of die failures such corner cracking. In order to eliminate die failures during the production of ECAP dies, a multi-element die design method was employed, which led to many passes of deformation of the 5083 Aluminium alloy specimen. Even though die arrangement and fastening still need work, dies can be used safely, corner cracking has never been observed. Bulk material with full density was created using pure aluminium particles and back pressure equal channel angular pressing at room temperature. The outcomes showed that the successful production of strong bulk materials from particles. The present samples show finer grains with an average size of roughly 10 µm after four passes. The sample's density neared the theoretical density of pure aluminium and was noticeably higher than that of materials that were subjected to ECAP without back pressure. It was suggested that the source of this phenomenon was the interaction of strain accumulation, shear deformation, and hydrostatic pressure. Grain dislocations are constantly moving towards the grain boundaries as a result of the mechanisms behind grain refinement.


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How to Cite

SINGH, N., & AGRAWAL, M. K. (2024). DIE DESIGN PARAMETERS AND EFFECT OF BACK PRESSURE ON AA5083 THROUGH ECAPED TECHNIQUE. Quantum Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 5(4), 29–39. Retrieved from https://qjoest.com/index.php/qjoest/article/view/167


