hyphaenetheibeca, antibacterial agent, drug resistance, fruit extractsAbstract
Medicinal plants play vital roles in the control and prevention of various diseases such as cancers, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. These plants have been used as principal raw materials for production of various drugs due to their antimicrobial activities. The aim of this study is to carryout phytochemical screening and antibacterial analysis of Hyphane thebaica fruit extract. Extract the fruit using n-hexane, ethylacetate and ethanol. This study identifies the various chemical compounds present in the fruit extracted of hyphaenetheibeca found in Sokoto region and also evaluate it antibacterial activities agent (compound) for the possibility of using them in the development of new antibiotic to reduce cost of health care and mortality rate due to the resistance of bacteria to the already developed drugs. The fraction were tested for antibacterial activities using three bacterial strains (S.auriaus g+ve, E.coli g-ve and shagella g-ve, of the antibacterial screening that the fraction were to inhibition the growth of the bacteria with zone of inhibition that range 2-9mm standard method were adopted for both extract phytochemical and antibacterial studies. The result for the moisture content of the fruit extracted reveals that, the fruit extracted containing 94.14% of water. Cool extraction method was used to extract the fruit using three different solvent (n-hexane, ethylacetate and ethanol) the mass of the fraction obtained are 50g, 45g, and 40g with percentage yield of 5.8%, 2.2% and 2.32% for both n-hexane, ethylacetate and ethanol respectively.
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