detection, reproduction number, equilibrium points, isolation, Rift-Valley fever, sensitivityAbstract
This study explores the complex transmission dynamics of Rift Valley fever (RVF), focusing on the interactions between mosquitoes and livestock through the application of a compartmental model. The research incorporates the implementation of isolation for infected individuals as a key control measure. By calculating the basic reproduction number R0 using the next-generation matrix method, the study illuminates the conditions for achieving a disease-free equilibrium state. It is found that the disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable when (R0<1) indicating that RVF can potentially be controlled within a livestock population if R0 is kept below this critical threshold. Conversely, when (R0>1) the disease may become endemic, emphasizing the crucial need to monitor and maintain R0 at levels below 1. Additionally, the study performs a sensitivity analysis to identify key parameters that are essential for livestock policymakers and veterinary professionals to consider. Through numerical simulations, the research evaluates the effectiveness of early detection and isolation of infected livestock, in conjunction with other integrated control strategies. These simulations provide valuable insights into the dynamic behavior of RVF, aiding in the formulation of effective strategies for the management and prevention of the disease.
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