
  • ADIN JAHIĆ Polytechnic Faculty, University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • NEVZUDIN BUZAĐIJA Polytechnic Faculty, University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


DevOps, IDP, IT Operations, CD/CD, Virtualization, Containerization. Deployment


As software engineers, the main idea are to develop systems that will enable progress and make the way of life of other people easier. This paper is a Meta step in solving this problem by giving engineers the tools to improve people's lives through modern software development tools and introducing new concepts that until a few years ago were considered theoretical and have been implemented only in the last few years. It is in practice to replace the current way of software development in the form of eliminating redundant processes in software development and raising new scalability, stability, and efficiency. Through this paper, the author will explain the abstract type of work called "DevOps", where the author will introduce the basic ways of design, implementation, and deployment of software, and explain the main fundamental blocks of this area. Again, the author will go through the concepts of cloud computing, virtualization, containerization, infrastructure as code, and creation of flow structures (pipeline), and the main focus of this paper will be explaining the main point of work of "DevOps" engineers, which is the development of IDP (internal developer platform).


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How to Cite

JAHIĆ, A., & BUZAĐIJA, N. (2023). DEVOPS METHODOLOGY IN MODERN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. Quantum Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 4(1), 1–11. Retrieved from


