Article Processing Charge
Quantum Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (QJOEST) publishes articles in full open access journal. This article can be unlimited use and reused, but in addition to giving credit to the author. One-time pay of Article Processing Charge (APC) is charge on the author (or corresponding author) or co-authors upon article acceptance. The APC covers the publishing costs incurred by the service provider of Quantum Academic Publisher, including editorial checks and improvements to the article before publications, typesetting and other aspects of production, as well as technical development and maintenance of the publishing platform (including journal production and online hosting and archiving).
The charges are;
Malaysia: RM 100.00 (excluding local taxes charges)
International: USD 30.00 (excluding VAT or local taxes charges)
The payment can only be made through Interbank (local), Western Union (international), and Moneygram (international).Other payment (e.g. through Paypal, Wire Transfer and Card Payment) are upon request.